Textos do Dont Be Afraid

O álbum Don't Be Afraid é totalmente diferente do padrão. Em algumas músicas Kurt "fala" textos diversos, de tom meio gótico. A americana Chris nos ajudou a transcrever estes textos:


And someone came out of a dream... and it was me. I knew I was he because I had been told that I was, by others both in the dream and outside of it. The black deer told me, "Don't be afraid... "

Empty Poem

And although it's not quite the time
Although we've just begun to leave
We will tarry not to say we were wrong
To leave behind a silent reproach
And when our eyes are searching out
And our hearts are beating strong
We'll have a reason not to grieve
With holly leaves and scanning skies
And if the colors fade into night
And the storms our heads enclose
And our souls are set against one another
If the seas receive us not
And the skies mock our lowliness
Then we shall still love one another
For we are two, together
For we are two, together

Closing In 2.0

It's always out there. Just pass the 7-11, around the cloverleaf... The darkness that waits for me. Can't see it unless I turn away. It's not there when I don't look. Waits for me to come back... waits for me to come sink in... just waiting.

On the Outside 2.1

Girl's voice: It's alright now (unclear) The house is finally empty, nobody around. I knew there'd be no other chance than right now to express myself. Nobody around to stop me. And I... I got paper and... a razor... and (unclear) right to my room. I like to write about how upset I was and how much (unclear) I had. I look down... I look down at the (unclear) blood. I only wanted a little blood, but I didn't know how deep a fresh blade could cut. The blood just (unclear). I was really disgusted but I did it anyway. I love the wound even though it hurt... and well I wondered how in the world I was gonna hide this from mother. I could do it myself by pulling the skin together and taping it really tight. And I suppose I really should have gotten stitches but well, I dunno.

Machine: Wednesday, 4:52pm.

Ozar Midrashim 1.1

From the distance I can see a huge holographic Ronald McDonald walking between the grain(?) elevators and trees. Oh, If I had the money I'd have them make one of those of me. And I'd send myself to stalk the landscape and scare everybody. See, I got this sort of field behind me because... because I've got spikes. Because I go between the zones even when I'm not supposed to. Because I'm a suspicious person report. And it's time to go shopping.

The Ridge 1.1

I felt she meant it both literally and ironically, and so I was poised between love and fear. But it was in this way that I came to be aware of the tower and came to see the micro waves and was able to see the base of things which was out of alignment. And this is when I first knew that everything was wrong.