Entrevista para o site

Abaixo você encontra uma entrevista feita com o Kurt em Setembro/2000, para um site de um fã clube americano, que pode ser acessado através do endereço O texto foi mantido em inglês; caso você tenha dificuldade, tente traduzí-lo com alguma ferramenta existente na Internet de tradução online, como o Google Translator.

Jynx23: What music have you been listening to lately? What's floating around in your CD player?

Kurt Harland: Vidna Obmana, This Mortal Coil, Xymox, Roger Eno, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Sisters Of Mercy, Foetus' "Nail" album, Vangelis' "Bladerunner" soundtrack, O.M.D.'s first two albums: "Organization" and "Architecture and Morality", Death In June: "What Ends When The Symbols Shatter", KMFDM, Cocteau Twins, Die Form, Peter Murphy, [and the] Soundtrack to Soul Reaver.

Jynx23: Do you have a favorite remix from "InSoc Recombinant"? Was there anyone in particular that you wanted to have remix a track, but were unable to?

Kurt Harland: Ending World by EHC was my favorite. Yes, I wanted to have Steve Seibold do What's On Your Mind, but Cleopatra offered him $150, so that was the end of that.

Jynx23: I heard you got to meet Gary Numan...?

Kurt Harland: Nope. It was botched.

Jynx23: How did you get started in making video game music?

Kurt Harland: I was thinking of getting into it, so I took a class at a local community college in audio design for "new media", because I noticed it was being taught by the then-current head of sound at SeGa. He introduced me to a few more people, one of whom, Mark Miller, started giving me some work. He had his own audio production co., and later, when he was working for Crystal Dynamics, he played Ozar Midrashim for the Soul Reaver team.

Jynx23: Do you think Soul Reaver 2 will be well-recieved by gamers and InSoc fans alike?

Kurt Harland: No, I think it will be well-receieved by gamers and largely ignored by InSoc fans.

Jynx23: What equipment/software are you currently using in your quest for world domination? I mean, to do music with?

Kurt Harland: Well, since I'm working for a game using rendered, real-time in-game music (not pre-recorded and played back during the game) I can only use a very small soundset. So... I'm using Logic Audio to drive a small set of sounds and currently using Vienna (comes with an SBlive!) to hold the sounds. I'm looking for a better sample-holding program, though. Thing is, Vienna outputs soundfonts, which my people can parse out directly which preserves my pitching and envelope info. My sound editor is Sound Forge, of course. I also use an MS Access database I made myself for handling my sounds. I programmed it to cll sounds directly up in Sound Forge and also to send them to my Akai samplers via SCSI.

Jynx23: Finally, what is the future of Information Society? Any plans for more InSoc music? More game music from "The Master"?

Kurt Harland: I'm currently working on Soul Reaver 2. There are no "plans" for Information Society. If something happens, I'm sure I'll be enthusiastic about it, but I'm unlikely to sacrifice all for it, like I did for Don't Be Afraid.

* Agradeço ao Michael "Jynx" Roberts pela entrevista e pela autorização de divulgá-la.